IT Security Training
The first line of defense against cybersecurity incidents is an organization's employees. Whether it be from IT personnel, company leadership, or the rank-and-file staff, most security failures in IT come from mistakes made by people. To mitigate this problem, proper training and situational awareness in the various types of cyber-threats is critical for every member of the business. SMS | ITC can provide training media and methods for employee security readiness, view examples below.
Printable training materials - slides, pamphlets, bulletins, and posters.
Slide shows for training in-house via email, portals, or company taught.
In-person IT security instruction with slides and hand-out materials.
Virtual (VTC) IT security instruction with slides and hand-out materials.
IT staff security training instruction for enterprise best practices by topic.
Leadership training for overall IT enterprise security best practices.
Consultation for the above topics on developing in-house security training.
***This section is not intended as a technology hardening training tool.***
It is our hope at SMS | ITC that additional training for your organization's staff will help reduce the incidents of cybersecurity failures and provide a more secure environment for your customers. While no security posture is perfect and people make mistakes, a better awareness of the cyber-threats out there and what to look for should make everyone safer while doing business. Please contact SMS | ITC using the contact form below if we can setup IT training for you today.